Macabre Shoutout: Black Rose Moves Makes Their Grand Debut With “Summer of Sorrow”

Black Rose Moves
Grant Leon and Mark Neat of Black Rose Moves
Grant Leon and Mark Neat of Black Rose Moves

There’s no denying that the goth music scene continues to grow, and Black Rose Moves is a testament to that. The duo consists of Grant Leon and Mark Neat who are based in Birmingham in the UK. They’re a new band that’s putting their own twist on the darkwave and post-punk genres. Their single, “Summer of Sorrow,” marks their grand debut and, despite the title, makes you want to dance your sorrows away instead of wallow.

The group compares their sound to the likes of The Cult, Sisters of Mercy, and New Order, with bits of Interpol and She Wants Revenge influences. However, they’re far from being mere imitators and are producing a style that bears their own touch. This is made possible with the implementation of basslines, guitars, synths and a melancholy aesthetic that draws upon classic gothic themes.

As “Summer of Sorrow” begins to play, it doesn’t take long for the pace to pick up and cue the dancing. The tone strikes the perfect balance between gloom and glee. While the lyrics lament over a love that’s gone cold and died, the rhythm makes you want to shake off the despair and sway. Also, I can’t help but think of Edgar Allan Poe when I hear lines like, “In the dead of night, you tell me that you don’t love me/ In the darkened hour you tell me that you don’t love me.” The words carry the energy of a gothic romantic poem and Grant’s grave, dark voice amplifies the anguish.

“In the haze of a love twisted and torn
Bloodstains on petals where passion once lay
Love’s grip turned lethal, emotions astray”

-From “Summer of Sorrow” by Black Rose Moves

I think Black Rose Moves makes an impressive debut with the track “Summer of Sorrow,” and it’ll be interesting to see where they go from here. The song is available to listen to on various platforms, and you can check out the music video on the band’s YouTube channel.

Where to Stalk

Black Rose Moves official website


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